Tag: Depressed

10 Things To Not Do When Anxious/Depressed

Ten years ago my life changed forever when I was diagnosed with clinical depression and again twelve months later when I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic disorder. Before 2014 I possessed no concept of mental illness. I had scarcely entered adolescence and already my f...

What I Tell Myself When I’m The Most Depressed

It’s okay to be down, it’s not okay to stay down. Over the past 5 years alone, I’ve dealt with more mental health issues than I can count on my fingers. Psychiatrists have given me just about every label that you can think of. While labels gave me clarity, I found myself p...

Birds Get Depressed

Birds are magnificent creatures that can add beauty, intelligence, and personality to our lives. However, having a pet bird comes with its own set of obstacles and duties. Understanding a pet bird’s behavior and how to properly train it is one of the most crucial compo...

Trump’s Supreme Court Does Something Incredible!

We were both in a semi-depressed mood over me having to get the procedure done. My graft is only going to last less than two years! I thought to myself, sadly. Bob is always in a bad mood in the mornings, doing his impression of a grumpy old geezer. Not only do we have to get up before ...

A short story: Manic to Depressed with Bills to Pay:

Here I am, unemployed and sitting in my lonely, carpeted, one-bedroom apartment, forcing myself to write, to create something — anything. My alternative is looking like rotting in bed. Dreading my existence, tangled up in my comforters with my moods bleeding into one another until I feel as...


This is my first consultation with Doctor Sara. Her room in Netanya has no distractions. It is cell-like, and the blinds are down. Sara looks in her early to mid 50s. Her face only has lines around her lips, like a smoker. Otherwise, her face is smooth and narrow. She has...


 Past, present & future are experienced as full of antagonistic contradictions & contradictions, so that things seem almost impossible to influence. There are unfinished tasks that hardly seem solvable. Interpersonal interaction is inhibited and lacking in content. Problem-seeking behav...