<p>This is my first consultation with Doctor Sara. Her room in Netanya has no distractions. It is cell-like, and the blinds are down.</p> <p>Sara looks in her early to mid 50s. Her face only has lines around her lips,&nbsp;like&nbsp;a&nbsp;smoker. Otherwise, her face is smooth&nbsp;and&nbsp;narrow. She has long brown hair and shrewd eyes. She reminds me of a younger Susan Sarandon.</p> <p>&lsquo;So Antoun, first we fill a standard test form &mdash; your meds history, some simple visual tests,&nbsp;ok?&rsquo;</p> <p>I nod. How many times have I been through these shrink tests? I have lost count and suck on a 2mil Klonopin.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>