Tag: Demons

Demons Among Us

I looked at the picture. His eyes are creepy, they don’t align quite right. I wonder what’s going on in there. No, I haven’t lost it and gone all Christian Fundamentalist on you where I’m seeing demons everywhere. I was reading an article about one of the recent episodes in t...

I’ve been fighting demons and the college of Medicine.

I doubt Ben Carson went through a quarter of the stress I’m going through. If he did, he wouldn’t have written eight books, the most popular of which being Gifted Hands, motivating people (excluding me) to attend medical school. I’m a fair person though so I agree whole heartedl...

Ten Powerful demons of Ancient Mesopotamia:

In Mesopotamian mythology, Lamashtu was a monster who supposedly threatened pregnant women. She was pictured as having a bull’s horns, an eagle’s talons, a serpent’s tail, and a woman’s body. Lamashtu was thought to kidnap new-borns from their mothers, leaving them with a mis...

The Inner Demons of Pinker’s Better Angels

The name Steven Pinker is well known by nearly anyone who has even a passing interest in history, culture, or sociological dynamics. His blockbuster book, The Better Angels of Our Nature came out in 2011 and seemed to hit a sweet spot in the popular imagination by claiming that we are livi...