Demons Among Us

<p>I looked at the picture. His eyes are creepy, they don&rsquo;t align quite right. I wonder what&rsquo;s going on in there. No, I haven&rsquo;t lost it and gone all Christian Fundamentalist on you where I&rsquo;m seeing demons everywhere. I was reading an article about one of the recent episodes in the War on Women, this one involving Kate Cox, the pregnant woman who had to leave the Red State of Texas to go to another state to have an abortion (1). As you probably know by now, she sought to have a medical exemption so she could receive the procedure in her home state. Her request was denied, presumably because neither she nor the fetus were actively dying at the current moment. One of the articles had featured a photograph of Texas attorney general Kenneth Paxton giving some sort of speech. Check out the eyes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Demons