Tag: Demands

California Demands an End to San Francisco’s Housing Double Standard

The report has 18 “required actions with implementation timeframes,” as well as an extra 10 “recommended actions.” Among the imperatives is this one: SF must “eliminate the use of ‘neighborhood character’ and ‘neighborhood compatibility’ terminol...

‘Céad míle fáilte’ no more? An immigrant demands answers.

Enough is enough! Any f** foreigner, anyone… just kill them… just f** kill them”, went the voice notes on far-right Whatsapp groups that mobilised and wreaked havoc on the city — on my city — last Thursday. My city — you ask? But who am I? I am the ...

The Attica demands

Since tomorrow is the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising, I thought I’d share the list of demands made by the prisoners at Attica, as a resource for journalists, activists and the curious. Here’s the source. Note: this document, called the Attica Liberation Faction Ma...

Schroeder’s explanation for UFOs demands more attention!

For only five seconds out of my now 84-year lifetime, I witnessed a UFO sinking into another dimension to sidestep our known laws of physics. I observed a bright, audible airplane-sized machine when it faded out and then silently shot to the Earth at Mach 1 without friction or inertia. It ...