Schroeder’s explanation for UFOs demands more attention!

<p>For only&nbsp;<strong>five seconds&nbsp;</strong>out of my now 84-year lifetime, I witnessed a UFO sinking into another dimension to sidestep our known laws of physics. I observed a bright, audible airplane-sized machine when it faded out and then silently shot to the Earth at Mach 1 without friction or inertia. It looked like a&nbsp;<em>Looney Tunes&nbsp;</em>cartoon as it dove.</p> <p>Robert L. Schroeder explains my 2014 UFO in his book &mdash;&nbsp;<em>Solving the UFO Enigma: How Modern Physics is Revealing the Technology of UFOs</em>.&nbsp;Please read it to know what UFOs are and how they may operate.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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