Tag: Definition

The Buddhist Definition of Mindfulness

I admire Kabat-Zinn. He spearheaded the modern mindfulness movement through his world-renown Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, which first opened its doors in 1979. Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR teachings have helped thousands of people manage stress, cope with pain, and improve focus ...

Here We Go … Again

It has been said: “One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.” After years, nay decades, of deliberate inaction, political minions are celebrating a proposed “bipartisan” plan aimed at “immigration reform.&rd...

Definition: Woke

My mother and I would visit apple orchards during autumn when the leaves on the trees burst into a vivid symphony of color that arrested your eyes with delight when I was a child growing up in Minnesota. Apple orchards surrounded our town. It was a special treat for my mother and me to be able to en...

Double salts-definition-examples and properties in co-ordination chemistry.

Double salt compounds is a type of molecular compound or higher order compound which produced from first order compounds. There are many man made as well as natural occurring well known double salt compounds in co-ordination chemistry. Such as Carnallite, potash...

We Are Family: Spivak’s Definition of Difference, Alterity, and The Dangers of Othering:

It can be tempting to see those who are different from us as intrinsically “other.” Yet this tendency toward othering can lead to misunderstanding, exclusion, and even oppression. Philosopher Gayatri Spivak provides a thoughtful examination of how we construct difference and approach the...

Fad Fashion: Introducing the Definition and Meaning

n the ever-evolving world of fashion, trends come and go, but some make a more fleeting impact than others. Enter the realm of “Fad Fashion,” a term that sparks curiosity and often leaves us wondering about its true definition and significance. In this exploration, we’ll delve into...

What are Adjectives? Definition, Types, Usage with Examples

What exactly is an adjective? In the simplest terms, an adjective is a term used to define a noun. The adjectives can give a piece of additional descriptive information to the sentence. For example, you might use something like to describe a student “He is a student.” If you want to i...