Tag: deepest

Explore JWST’s deepest views ever for yourself

Astronomers have cracked the cosmic code to seeing the Universe’s distant past. The viewing area of the JADES survey, along with the four most distant galaxies verified within this field-of-view. The three galaxies at z = 13.20, 12.63, and 11.58 are all more distant than the previous re...

NASA’s deepest 3D fly-through of the Universe

It’s hard to believe, but it was only 100 years ago — back in 1923 — that humanity first realized that the Milky Way galaxy didn’t encompass the entire Universe. That key discovery was made by Edwin Hubble, who, while observing what was then known as the Great Nebula in ...

Get to know the deepest lake in the world!

Located in southern Siberia, it outshines us with its pristine beauty and magnificent natural balance along its more than 636 km long and 80 km wide coastline. It is also surprising to know that, according to scientists, Baikal contains almost 20% of our planet’s unfrozen fresh water...

Explore JWST’s deepest views ever for yourself

Astronomers have cracked the cosmic code to seeing the Universe’s distant past. The viewing area of the JADES survey, along with the four most distant galaxies verified within this field-of-view. The three galaxies at z = 13.20, 12.63, and 11.58 are all more distant than the previous re...

How Psychedelic Mushrooms Healed My Deepest Wound

I took psychedelic mushrooms and tried to face my deepest wound. What I learned completely shifted how I think about healing and living life. It wasn’t my intention to work on these painful emotional wounds when I agreed to a day-long psychedelic ceremony. I had just finished a 6-month long...