Get to know the deepest lake in the world!

<p>Located&nbsp;<strong>in southern Siberia,</strong>&nbsp;it outshines us with its pristine beauty and magnificent natural balance along its more than 636 km long and 80 km wide coastline. It is also surprising to know that, according to scientists, Baikal contains almost 20% of our planet&rsquo;s unfrozen fresh water.</p> <p>Incredible, no doubt. A beautiful setting with 22 islands, the most notable of which is &ldquo;Olj&oacute;n,&rdquo; which is home to approximately 1,500 people. a really curious place to visit. However, leaving aside this natural wonder and its spectacular dimensions, it must be said that Baikal has always been shrouded in a certain mystery. It is quite a claim for scientists: a paradise of flora and fauna where many would stay to live just to catalog each species, to study each phenomenon, or to study each element of what is considered one of the purest waters on our&nbsp;<strong>planet</strong>.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: deepest Lake