Tag: Deck

How to Get a (Almost) Free Pitch Deck Review

You’ve spent weeks stressing over your pitch deck but you’re not sure if it’s ready for investors. Or worse, you’ve started sending it to investors, and it’s not getting any traction. What’s going on? I’ve spent years writing pitch decks for my startup...

Deck Dungeon Devlog #2

Hey guys, welcome back! After a few days of working on Deck Dungeon’s game idea, I decided to start working on some features. For now, I want to start with moving the cards around and adding their properties. So first we need to define what properties the cards will have, here is what I came ...

Here are some (possibly) useful tweaks for SteamOS on the Steam Deck

By using any of the commands listed below, you acknowledge and accept that neither I nor the Valve Corporation are responsible for any damage that may occur to you personally or your Steam Deck. The burden of full responsibility for your own actions lies entirely upon you, onl...

Splunk Was Acquired For $28 Billion — Here Is Their Latest Pitch Deck (Analysed)

They say that the finance world is getting back to normal with new IPOs of companies like Instacart. But then, the second day after the Instacart IPO, they lost 11% of their IPO gains. ARM also went for an IPO recently and had a bit of a downfall. Nevertheless, the IPO market is buzzing. Then Cis...