Deck Dungeon Devlog #2

<p>Hey guys, welcome back! After a few days of working on Deck Dungeon&rsquo;s game idea, I decided to start working on some features. For now, I want to start with moving the cards around and adding their properties.<br /> So first we need to define what properties the cards will have, here is what I came up with:<br /> Life &rArr; I think you already get it, it&rsquo;s the total life the card will have.<br /> Attack Damage &rArr; This will define the damage the card will give on a battle.<br /> In this first part of development, I made the three cards that were planned, if you didn&rsquo;t see the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">previous dev log</a>, I decided to make an enemy card, a player card, and a heal card.<br /> The player and the heal card will be cards that can be moved by the player, so that&rsquo;s what I made. The enemy card will be on board in every room and is not draggable.<br /> So after making the moving mechanic, I have to confess that I enjoyed going back to game dev and I decided to make a little bit more than planned.<br /> I added a property to the cards to verify if they were fighting and made a verification to check if the player dragged a card to an enemy card. So after the cards collision, they will have reference one from another and if the player drops it&rsquo;s card, the fight will begin.<br /> With that, now we have the cards moving and we also have the fighting logic, a simple UI for the life bar updating according to the current battle that the card is on and if the card&rsquo;s life ends, they &ldquo;die&rdquo;, being destroyed. About the healing card, it will restore the selected card to full life if it is not fighting.<br /> The game interface is prototype, but I decided to make a simple gif to show how things are happening right now:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Deck Dungeon