Tag: Debunking

Debunking Five Myths About Julius Caesar

In any list of famous historical rulers, one name in particular is sure to come up: Julius Caesar. He is easily the most famous Roman of all time (and second only to Frank Sinatra as the most famous Italian) and most people know at least the basics of his biography. As is the case with any notable f...

Debunking Islam

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam. It is believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God to the Prophet Muhammad. However, Muhamad did not write the Quran. The Quran was revealed to him by the angel Gabriel and recited by him to his followers. While Muhammad would recite what was reve...

Debunking Myths about IQ Tests and Intelligence

Myth 1: IQ as a Fixed Number Contrary to the belief that IQ is a fixed number determining lifelong intelligence, research shows that IQ can change. Intelligence is malleable, influenced by educational interventions, learning experiences, and lifestyle choices. Studies tracking children into adult...

Debunking the Viral Talking Dog of Tik Tok

As a pet owner, there’s nothing more that I would love if my cats could talk to us. When our cats Maya and Wyatt are acting irrationally, I often tell my beautiful girlfriend, Tristin, that I wish they could talk. I also wonder what they would say if they could talk. Our cat Maya seems to have...