Tag: Deaths

Two Different Responses to Two Different Deaths

One of my best friends died by suicide in 2006 at the age of twenty-nine. Ten years later, my mom died of ovarian cancer at the age of seventy-three. They both battled their respective illnesses — my friend’s an illness of the mind and my mother’s an illness of the body — for...

Preventing Bike Deaths

Hallelujah! It’s about time somebody said something about the manner in which bicyclists ride in the Big Apple. I’m a native New Yorker who’s been riding the streets of the city daily for over 30 years. And the changes I’ve seen over the decades are considerable. Back in t...

Some Weird Deaths of Roman Emperors

Being a Roman Emperor was not a safe job. Historians have identified 77 Ancient Roman Emperors. Most of those emperors died violently. Assassination was the most common cause of imperial death. Assassins, or rebellious soldiers, killed 37 emperors. Another five emperors probably died in battle. P...

The Tragic Case of the Toronto Hospital Baby Deaths

On June 30, 1980, 18-day-old Laura Woodcock died under suspicious circumstances in Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. Although tragic, the young girl’s death was only the first in a sequence of strange and tragic deaths across the hospital. Between June 1980 and March 1981, Sick Ki...

Gun Deaths in America and Church Attendance — Do Gun Deaths Have a Moral Cause?

I know homicides and gun deaths are not the same thing. I also know that gun deaths include both homicides and suicides. All gun deaths are tragic. Life is beautiful. Life is valuable whether that life lives in a red state or a blue state. My initial hypothesis is that high church attendance will...

Life and Death at a Distance

The virologist who founded our firm closed our office ahead of the curve. We packed up laptops and notebooks. The pessimistic among us, sensing this would not be a short hiatus, took their plants. By a window overlooking Boston, my orchid withers. Our endeavor is to create and finance new...

Dating Death’s Middleman

It was just a simple trade at the start — partners in crime: I watch your back, and you watch mine. But it turns out my gradual loss of life is a side effect of being near you, and one you will never slow to notice. You boast of the stability you’ve gained by being with me. You ...