Tag: Dealing

Effective Strategies for Dealing with Bugs in Code

We use the squash, splat and crush analogy from insects when talking about bugs. This is with good reason: Thomas Edison wrote about bugs during his hardware engineering travails and this means the term is probably here to stay. Get used to it, or bug off! Approaches to dealing with bugs ...

A simple yet effective model for dealing with linear classification problems.

Logistic Regression is a cornerstone of machine learning, facilitating classification by modeling the probability that an instance belongs to a particular category. The scikit-learn (often abbreviated to sklearn) library in Python provides robust tools for building Logistic Regression...

Dealing with a Sulking Child? Use the Power of Art

Get up. Eat breakfast. Have fun at school. Do your homework. Take a bike ride. Read a book. Kids may not have the most difficult to-do lists, but not every day is pleasant. Even my most easy-going seven-year-old child feels low sometimes, whether it is changing friendship dynamics, irritation when t...

When It Comes to Grief, Men and Women Are Dealing With a Lot Behind Closed Doors

I have to admit something. I am a 30-something-year-old woman who is still trying to figure out this thing called life, but more specifically, this thing called adulthood. There are so many aspects of adulthood to navigate, such as family, social life, and love life, which all fall...

If You’re a Manager, Dealing with Drama Is Your Job

‍This is another one of my articles that you’ll want your manager to read but will probably have to send anonymously. I meet so many employees who have workplace conflicts with co-workers but get no support from their managers. The source of workplace conflicts is varied. Politics tops ...

Dealing With Fullscreen In Unity

Fullscreen is easy, right? Unity handles it for you, and you can always just set Screen.fullScreen, right? Well, yes and no. There are some weird quirks in Unity’s fullscreen implementation, at least on Mac. I haven’t verified whether these issues also exist on Windows, but the workar...

Dealing with a House Fire in Toronto: The Process (Part 1)

This August, I unfortunately had a fire burst in my neighbor’s unit. I was renting a condo located in the North York area. The fire was an unexpected and a difficult experience. It has also taken a lot of effort on our side, lasting a few months where we were in between communicating with the ...

Drug Dealing Beside A Family Neighborhood

This story is the account of one resident with her children, saw a drug exchange along with one of the persons clearly high on illegal substances. Poor handling of the safety and security when the Yaletown Roundhouse Community centre was turned into a shelter for homeless addicts. Vancouver city ...