Tag: Daughters

People With Daughters Who Vote Red Are Nuts

I’ve had discussions about politics before with family members about why they feel I’m crazy to vote Democrat. I’ve heard the usual semi-racist and bigoted reasonings until I wanted to jam icepicks in each of my ears or take a straight razor to their tongues. “Don’t ...

My Trans Daughter Looks a Lot Like Barbieā€¦ Except for That One Part

I remember it like yesterday — Gideon sitting on his knees, grinning from ear to ear, and meticulously (well, as meticulously as his four-year-old hands would allow) sifting through the boxes that his big cousin Harper had shunned to the side of her bedroom. Harper’s “Barbie bin...

Book Review: We the Scientists

Addison and Cassidy, the twin daughters of Chris and Hugh Hempel, had passed their first and second birthdays as seemingly normal and healthy girls until a terrible flu brought them to a doctor’s office. Multiple tests and frustrating dead ends revealed the horrific truth: The twins suffered f...