People With Daughters Who Vote Red Are Nuts
<p>I’ve had discussions about politics before with family members about why they feel I’m crazy to vote Democrat. I’ve heard the usual semi-racist and bigoted reasonings until I wanted to jam icepicks in each of my ears or take a straight razor to their tongues.</p>
<p><em>“Don’t you worry about illegals crossing the border? They’ll murder and rape anyone they can get their hands on. You have daughters, doesn’t that scare you?”</em></p>
<p><em>“Don’t you want a return to ‘family values’? We’re a Christian nation, after all.”</em></p>
<p><em>“So you’d rather give all the high taxes you pay to people abusing the welfare system?”</em></p>
<p>I hear all of this Fox News propaganda from people I USED to respect, at least to some degree. It’s all I can do not to laugh or start raising my voice at them. So as a compromise, I start laughing loudly. In sort of an “I’m about to take over the world, and MUHAHAHA!” kind of way.</p>
<p><em>That usually throws the Bible-thumpers and gun-humpers off just a little bit. But they’ll pray for me.</em></p>
<p>I have two daughters and a Bride that I love very much. These three people alone are reason enough that I’d never vote Republican in this lifetime. My Bride is half-Vietnamese, one daughter is also part-Vietnamese, and my other daughter is gay. Enough said.</p>
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