Tag: date

3 Requests on a Last date

She asked for a last date. I agreed. She had three requests. “Can we have our last date for an entire day?” She asked. I said we could. We’ll spend the day together, present in the moment. “Can we act like we’re still together?” It was her second reque...

Artist’s date ends with paint

When I was a child, I drew and I painted. I had a wonderful art teacher in high school. He taught me line drawing, taught me to appreciate poetry, and introduced me to “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. I was in hospital for several weeks when I was 17, I remember h...

Date Secured!

Hi everyone, I’m planning to attend and participate during the Miami Book Fair this year! Now that I have secured the right day, I can move forward in establishing an additional marketing goal. PRIMARY MARKETING GOALS Although the current marketing goals may be at play for all digital...

Target Date Funds — The Basics

Many new investors are faced with often daunting 401K choices when they begin working, or start a new job. Frequently, these choices include what are known as Target Date Funds. This article will provide some basics for those unfamiliar with this product. Target date funds are funds usually mutua...

Tackling the 10 Toughest First Date Questions

So, you’ve swiped right, texted back and forth, and now it’s time for that dreaded first date. You know, the one where you feel like you’re auditioning for a role in someone’s life. Well, don’t worry, I’ve been there, and I’ve got some survival tips for you....