Tag: Dashing

A Landmark Dashing Day

My dashing for dollars (delivering food for DoorDash) experience reached not one — not two — but three landmarks yesterday. When it rains it pours I guess when just one shift holds three momentous markers. I’ve been riding around New York City delivering food on my pedal bike fo...

The Old Man and the New NYC Dashing Law

As a financially well-heeled 73 year-old, most people would assume I’d be busy traveling and/or eating at fancy restaurants in between sitting at home reading books or watching movies. I’ve worked hard and earned the good life, right? But I’m one of those “to retire is to ...

The Old Man and the New NYC Dashing Law

As a financially well-heeled 73 year-old, most people would assume I’d be busy traveling and/or eating at fancy restaurants in between sitting at home reading books or watching movies. I’ve worked hard and earned the good life, right? But I’m one of those “to retire is to ...