A Landmark Dashing Day

<p>My dashing for dollars (delivering food for DoorDash) experience reached not one &mdash; not two &mdash; but three landmarks yesterday. When it rains it pours I guess when just one shift holds three momentous markers.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve been riding around New York City delivering food on my pedal bike for over two years and have logged probably 10k miles in the process. Not once has my body hit the pavement in an accident until yesterday when it finally happened. And get this! It wasn&rsquo;t an accident with another bike or a car. Nope! I stopped to wait for traffic and while tipping right to rest my foot on the curb, I missed that curb causing my foot to meet the street too far below. Bam! I fell to the pavement in a heap, skinning my knee and bruising my hip in the process.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/doordashing-for-dollars/a-landmark-dashing-day-eee00d30f99a"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>