Tag: Dance

The Dance of Money: Unveiling the Intriguing World of Money

Ah, money! That enchanting currency is capable of painting a broad smile on our faces or making us furrow our brows in puzzlement. Whether it’s the rustling of crisp banknotes, the gleam of shiny coins, or those elusive digital figures dancing on a screen, money speaks a universal language. It...

‘Maybe’: The Graceful Dance in the Space Between Yes and No

Disclaimer: This piece presents a whimsy view of the term “maybe.” You could wish to speak with a therapist or a dictionary if you’re looking for a linguistic or psychological analysis. But if you just want a quick read, let’s explore the meaning of “maybe.” ...

The Dance of Destiny

People can’t challenge the sky, In the darkness, a fixed count does lie. We meet, then part, and meet again, All guided by a higher, divine plan. Fate’s a puzzle we can’t always decipher, Gathering and dispersing, it’s best not to try any harder. Because destiny&rsqu...

The Dance of Chaos:

I had a student once who was desperate for a job and couldn’t get one. ( Not unlike me at the moment) He tried doing door to door sales and door after door was slammed in his face. He got the idea to buy those doors, “No solicitors, please,” and took these back to the doors that we...

A Night of Dance and Discovery

One Friday, I was at a hostel, unsure of what to do. I met a group of friends from Belgium and France. They were fun and had met at the same hostel a year ago. We had dinner at the hostel, drank cocktails, and socialized. I connected with a German named Tobias. He lived in Berlin and was very fre...

Flex Your Style: Breakdancing with Run The Flex — Run The Flex Dance Studio

Dive into the world of breakdancing with Run The Flex. If you’ve ever been curious about this style of dance, look no further. No experience is needed to join our breakdancing classes or workshops; we’re here to teach you the basics and foundation of breakdancing. Ready to have some fun?...

Dispatches from Dance Studies Association Conference 2022

Last weekend, Thursday — Sunday, was the 2022 DSA Conference in Vancouver. I attended last year and in 2017, but, as an “independent scholar” unaffiliated with an academic program, my previous attendance was limited to the single days I was presenting, since the expense was coming ...

Life’s Simple Pleasures: Watching Deer Feed and Squirrels Dance

Many of you already know that I wake up crazy early. One of the joys of waking up that early in the morning is getting to see what moves around at this time of day. I live on a homestead, and we have tons of wildlife on the property. Two of my favorite creatures that you can find here are whiteta...

The Dance of Destiny

People can’t challenge the sky, In the darkness, a fixed count does lie. We meet, then part, and meet again, All guided by a higher, divine plan. Fate’s a puzzle we can’t always decipher, Gathering and dispersing, it’s best not to try any harder. Because destiny&rsqu...

The Dance of Fire and Water: Unraveling the Unitary Essence of Existence.

The spiritual texts of Vedanta Philosophy are replete with enlightening metaphors that invoke the elements of fire and water. Two prime examples are found in the Avadhuta Gita attributed to Dattatreya, and the ancient Svetasvatara Upanishad. Though expressing different philosophies, both effectively...

This One’s for the Ladies: On Bada Lee, Queer Culture, and the Racialization of Hip-Hop Dance

Ihave almost two weeks left of my birthday, so I have been reflecting on traditions. Attending a women’s college, my favorite traditions revolved around dance. During my first week of college, our welcome week chaperones played the song “Birthday Sex” by Jeremih and started dancing...

Exploring the Cosmic Dance: The Mystical Union of Chakras and Astrology

Introduction In the realm of spiritual exploration, two ancient systems have captivated human curiosity for centuries: the Chakras and Astrology. These mystical traditions, rooted in Eastern and Western cultures respectively, offer profound insights into our inner and outer worlds. This blog post...

The Dance of Life

The first time I heard Marc Bolan’s hypnotic anthem ‘Cosmic Dancer,’ its mystical lyrics stirred a sense of connection to something enigmatic beyond intellectual grasp. The more I immersed myself in the haunting melody, the more its meaning eluded me. Marc Bolan’s mel...

Court’s Dance with Politics

The Supreme Court apparently wants to keep us guessing about Donald Trump and the role of the court in our politics. Despite the court’s professed desire to remain aloof from partisan politics, sometimes the court just barrels right ahead into the midst of the forays, taking on what they se...

The dance with logistics: How AI and robotics can save the party!

Today we dive into the wonderful, sometimes chaotic, but always exciting world of logistics. And yes, we’re also talking about the party crashers: problems that can ruin everyone’s day. But don’t worry, we also have the party saviors in store: AI and robotics!  Problems, pr...

The Evolution of Jazz Dance: A Journey Through Workshops

The rhythmic heartbeats of jazz dance have echoed through the corridors of time, adapting, evolving, and shaping the cultural landscape of dance. This transformative journey, rich in history and vibrant in expression, has been passionately preserved and shared through the dedicated efforts of educat...

Quantum Dance: Journey into the World of Fermions and Bosons

Our first dance partners are fermions! They are the building blocks of the subatomic world. Yes, the concept may seem complex at first, but after a brief exploration, you’ll grasp it. Fermions are particles that orbit around the atomic nucleus. Electrons, protons, and neutrons are VIP members ...

The Invisible Dance Of Particles

In 1827, botanist Robert Brown studied pollen particles' motion as they were suspended in water. These little grains seemed to jitter around randomly. Brown performed as variety of tests on them and realized that all small particles, not just pollen, exhibited the same motion when suspended in w...

The Dance of the Falcon: A Ballet in the Sky

This wasn’t an ordinary fall. The Falcon 9, even in its failure, showed us the sheer power of engineering and the grace of technology under pressure. With grid fins frozen, the rocket fought, twisting and turning, battling to maintain its course. It was a moment of tension, a testament to Spac...

The Dance of Death: Untangling the Mystery of The 1518 Plague

Setting the Stage for Chaos Picture this: it’s a sweltering summer day in Strasbourg, a quaint city where life typically moves at a leisurely pace. Then, out of nowhere, enters Frau Troffea — a seemingly ordinary woman who’s about to unleash a whirlwind of madness. With an impro...

Dance Monkey, Dance!

Your pROFOUND Enlightenment! All over life, such advice abounds, The funny thing is, ‘enlightenment’, {begin read/rap style} Is acceptance of self, SEEING The World clearly, Website

Karma Dance, Folk Dances of Madhya Pradesh

The Essence of Karma Dance The Karma Dance is performed primarily by the Gond and Baiga tribes, who reside in the central and eastern regions of Madhya Pradesh. It is a celebration of their ancestral connection with nature, paying homage to the gods and spirits that govern their lives. The dance ...

Bhangra Dance

This captivating dance form, rooted in the agricultural traditions of Punjab, has evolved into a symbol of celebration, resilience, and unity. With its pulsating beats, dynamic movements, traditional music, and resplendent costumes, Bhangra continues to enthrall audiences worldwide, bridging cultura...

Body Image in the Dance Industry

The prejudicial assumption of physical capabilities of a bigger-bodied individual is a consistent issue among the dance community. The dance industry should put an end to perpetuating the concept of anti-fatness on dancers because it creates unhealthy body images and a misconception of beauty, which...

‘Serendipity’: The Delightful Dance of Chance and Discovery

*Disclosure: This article was assisted by AI technology. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and originality, some content may be influenced by the AI’s algorithms and data sources.* Introduction 'Serendipity’, a word that rolls off the tongue with a sense o...