Tag: Damn

Why You Should Give a Damn About Software Design

There are 2 things that make software engineering suck. Bad team culture, and technical debt due to poor design. I couldn’t tell you how many personal projects I’ve abandoned due to not understanding my code and how frustrating it is working with a massive cluster of WET code all over th...

8 of the Best Damn Tips for Writing a Successful Roommate Post — With An Example

So you’re looking for a new roommate and you want to make sure you attract the right person. Trust me, I’ve been there. It can be really frustrating if you post an ad and don’t get any promising responses. And if you have a big apartment, the last thing you want is to have to pay t...

I’m 79 And Pretty Damn Happy Right Now — Here’s Why

I was lucky he didn’t knock my teeth out. I was easily angered during the politically hot 2016 US presidential campaign and the Trump presidency. My anger exploded in political conversations, especially at my sister-in-law’s house with her Trump-supporting boyfriend, a gun enthusiast....

The Number Of Women Ignored On Christmas Is Too Damn High

This recent Christmas was one of the most touching I’ve ever had in my life. The days up to it were filled with dread and loathing. Along with being piss broke, I was exhausted, and well, I missed my dad. Christmas always reminded me of him and the holidays have always been harder without him....