Tag: Cross

Visualizing 3 Sklearn Cross-validation: K-Fold, Shuffle & Split, and Time Series Split

Basically, cross-validation is a statistical method for evaluating learning algorithms. A fixed number of folds (groups of data) is set to run the analysis. These folds group the data into 2 sets: training and testing (validation) sets, that are cross-over in rounds, allowing each data point to be v...

How to Cross-Compile a Python Script as an Executable for Windows, Mac, and Linux

Hello, my name is Leah and I am a self-taught machine learning engineer with 10 years of experience of programming in Python. I want to give my fellow Python developers a small tutorial of how to cross-compile Python scripts into an executable for Windows, Mac...

Bosphorus Cross-Continental Swimming Race: FAQs, Tips and Hints

The 30km long Bosphorus strait connects the Black Sea and Sea of Marmara. It’s one of the busiest waterways in the world and splits Istanbul in half with Europe on one side and Asia on the other. Once a year, for only two-hours, the tankers, cargo ships and thousands of commuter vessels are...

How to solve Cross-Browser Compatibility Issues with CSS

Cross-browser compatibility issues can be a major pain for web developers as different browsers often render web pages differently. However, with proper planning and the use of CSS, these issues can be resolved. In this article, we will explore how to solve cross-browser compatibility issues with CS...