Tag: CPython

Python: What is Global Interpreter Lock? (with examples)

The global interpreter lock (GIL) is a controversial topic in the Python community. It prevents one Python process from executing more than one Python bytecode instruction at any given time. This means that even if we have multiple threads on a machine with multiple cores, a Python process can ha...

Custom Instructions: A New Feature You Must Enable to Improve ChatGPT Responses

Remember that prompt engineering technique called Role Prompting that allows us to control the default behavior of ChatGPT to get customized results? It started with something like “Act as a …”. and you had to include it in every single chat to get better responses. ...

Logging in Python: How to Understand and Manage Your App’s Behavior

Logging is an essential aspect of software development that helps developers understand how their code behaves. It enables them to monitor performance, resolve problems, and keep a clear record of the application’s activities. In Python, the logging module is an excellent tool that develope...

Hypermodern Python Toolbox

very Python developer is challenged by the size and velocity of Python’s large & dynamic ecosystem  From newbies finding their first workflow to senior developers keeping up with new packages, we all struggle to keep up with the intersection of the new and the useful in Python. ...

Who Needs Photo Editors?! — Massive Image Manipulation Tutorial in Python

Introduction We are here on a sad business. Very sad, indeed. We are here to learn how to take beautiful, breathtaking images and turn them into a bunch of ugly little numbers so that they are more presentable to all those soulless, mindless machines. We will take animals and strip them of the...

Building a Trading Strategy with Machine Learning Models and Yahoo Finance in Python.

Developing a successful trading strategy requires a combination of market knowledge, technical analysis, and the ability to leverage data effectively. Machine learning models, coupled with financial data from sources like Yahoo Finance, offer a powerful approach to building robust trading strategies...