Hypermodern Python Toolbox

<p><strong>very Python developer is challenged by the size and velocity of Python&rsquo;s large &amp; dynamic ecosystem&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>From newbies finding their first workflow to senior developers keeping up with new packages, we all struggle to keep up with the intersection of the new and the useful in Python.</p> <p>This post provides clarity with a&nbsp;<strong>Hypermodern Python Toolbox</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; tools that are setting the standard for Python in 2023&nbsp;</p> <h1>Python 3.10</h1> <p><strong>Python 3.10 added better error messages</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; it&rsquo;s a bigger deal than you might think.</p> <p>The code below has a mistake&nbsp; We try to assign a value to the first element of&nbsp;<code>data</code>, mistakenly referring to the non-existent&nbsp;<code>datas</code>&nbsp;instead:</p> <pre> # mistake.py data = [1, 4, 8] # datas does not exist! datas[0] = 2</pre> <p>With older versions of Python, this results in an error traceback that points out that the variable&nbsp;<code>datas</code>&nbsp;doesn&rsquo;t exist</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/hypermodern-python-toolbox-355412944a06">Read More</a></p>