Tag: Coverage

Confirmed: Code Coverage Is a Useless Management Metric

There is a strong belief that code coverage is a strong metric to measure the quality of a software product, a belief that’s been shared without question among tech leaders for many years. Its rationale seems sound on the surface: the more thorough the testing, the higher the code coverage, an...

The Case Against Relying Solely on Unit Test Coverage

The value of unit test coverage has long been controversial among software engineers. Some argue that it ensures all new code gets properly tested. Others claim that coverage is a meaningless metric that serves as a placebo more than anything. In my opinion, both sides are right. It shouldn&rs...

Measure your code coverage using Istanbul (with a demo)

It’s well understood that unit testing improves the quality and the maintainability of source code. BUT… how can we gauge the quality of our unit tests? Enter: code coverage measurement tools! Essentially, code coverage is a simple measurement of the percentage of our sourc...

Karma coverage using Instabul

Karma is an awesome testing environment, it is open source, it supports a plethora of testing frameworks and it is easy to use. In this post I am going to create some simple tests, run them on Karma using Jasmine and finally, show some code coverage reports, through Karma coverage and Instabul. ...

Understanding JavaScript Code Coverage

This is the first of a two-post series in which we try to understand how code coverage is measured and reported in JavaScript by building a simple code coverage tool ourselves. You can find the second post here and the reference code for this exercise here. I have always been fasci...

Code Coverage Badge with Angular(Karma/Istanbul) on Gitlab Pipelines

Now when you run ng test --watch=false --code-coverage you will get a text summary in the console about your code coverage now. Hurrah! 100%. Alright, so now your project is configured to display the code coverage in the console. This is an important step because Gitlab uses Ruby...

Why Do We Need Code and Functional Coverage

When you have a test that can generate 1 out of 1000 different types of stimulus at any given moment, it is not safe to assume that permutation #379, which you consider to be necessary to confirm some vital functionality of the chip design, was in fact generated. Assuming all 1000 permutations of st...

Coverage analysis from the command line

Physical coverage plays a pivotal role in detecting mis-assembled regions: even if the sequence coverage track shows no interruptions, its possible that the physical coverage one will, thus hinting at a possible chimeric sequence: An example of a chimeric contig identified plotting ...