Coverage analysis from the command line
<p>Physical coverage plays a pivotal role in detecting mis-assembled regions: even if the sequence coverage track shows no interruptions, its possible that the physical coverage one will, thus hinting at a possible chimeric sequence:</p>
<p><img alt="" src="*qp5KBPq9pgone3c0llmfwg.png" style="height:107px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>An example of a <strong>chimeric contig</strong> identified plotting the <em>physical coverage track of a mate paired library.</em></p>
<p>The above example, from my PhD thesis, was obtained in the early days of NGS when mixing technologies (Roche 454 for producing <em>contigs</em>, thanks to the longest reads and SOLiD Mate Paired library for <em>scaffolding</em>) was as common as painful².</p>
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