Tag: Count

How to play Least Count

LeastCount is an easy and fun card game that can be played between 2 or more players. Culturally its commonly played in India and sub-continent but it’s quickly catching up on other parts of the world. I understand very few people know how to play this game. So let me share it here: Game ru...

Terraform: count, for_each, and for loops

In the previous post, we got an overview of the Terraform data types — Terraform: introduction to data types — primitives and complex. Now let’s see how these types can be used in loops. Terraform supports three types of cycles: count: the simplest, used with a giv...

Exploring the Impact of Weather on Paris Bike Count Data

The “opinion” rating on the site represents a subjective assessment of weather conditions, ranging from very unfavorable to very favorable. While we don’t have detailed insights into how this rating is determined, we believe it reflects a combination of subjective perceptions and a...

The Hair Count

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less. Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Thomas sat in their study, discussing an unusual question. “Can we calculate how many hairs are on a person’s head?” Dr. Elizabeth asked. Dr Thomas scratched his hea...