Tag: convert

How to convert a list of object to an object in Javascript

When we use JS to request data from a (relational) database, the most common way we receive the data, is as a list of objects. Often these data has the first values repeated because for example, are the days worked by a person or the purchases made by a customer. In my work ofte...

How to Convert Leads by Properly Implementing Email Campaigns and Utilizing Actionable Org Charts?

In today’s evolving and digitized world, personalized email marketing is esteemed as one of the most effective & efficient marketing techniques. If done properly & continuously, you may funnel a huge lot of high-quality leads into your email marketing campaign and convert them into loy...

3 Ways to Convert Python App into APK

In August 2020, I started a medium blog series called Building Android App in Python, where I explained the usage of Kivy and Kivymd. These libraries allow you to create cross-platform apps using Python. In that series, I described how android apps are configured in Python, it’s limitations, a...

I Was An Evangelical Convert

I joined the SaveOne anti-abortion support group first. Really, I was a liar from the beginning. I’ve never had an abortion, at least not that I remember. At the time, I said I remembered becoming pregnant in high school after my father raped me, and that much is true. What I don’t re...

So You Want to Convert to Islam:

As an observant Muslim woman who came to the faith later in life, the draw to Islam makes perfect sense to me. I embraced the truth of Islam in 2012. After years lost in darkness, it was submission to Allah(swt) that handed my life back to me — and because after so much struggle it was Allah t...

Yes, You Can Be Racist to White People

Let’s suppose there’s an American you know, and he’s devoured the works of Karl Marx, and is thoroughly convinced that communism is the way to go, that every nation in the world should convert to communism. You could point out that communism has failed in every nation that has i...

How to Convert Eastern Arabic Numerals to Western Arabic Numerals Using Python

Introduction The Eastern Arabic Numerals differ significantly from the numerals we’re used to seeing. The numerals we are used to seeing (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) are known as Western Arabic Numerals, or simply Arabic Numerals. Identical to the Western Arabic Numerals, there a...