Tag: Conspiracy

What Lurks Beneath Conspiracy Theories?

An extended text version for those who like text: Some people, despite all proof to the contrary, believe the moon landings were faked. Some people, despite all proof to the contrary, believe the last election was stolen. And those are just two of the many conspiracy theories that are believed by...

So When, Exactly, Did Conspiracy Culture Stop Being Fun?

A few weeks ago, I was trying to see if I could fix my YouTube suggestion algorithm to see if it could start recommending videos I might actually like instead of constantly trying to force-feed me right wing garbage. As it had been frequently observed to do. I deleted fifteen years of viewing h...

The Problem of Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories

Ethan Nordean, a leader of the Proud Boys, was convicted for seditious conspiracy and sentenced to 18 years in prison for his role in the effort to overturn the results of the 2020 elections. Nordean’s conviction shows that the conspiracy theories which are being peddled within right...

Cato vs. The Catiline Conspiracy

Rome’s greatest orator pointed his finger at Cato the Younger and said, “Do you not see a storm coming?” Marcus Tullius Cicero was consul for the year 63 BC, and thanks to the aforementioned storm, was a virtual dictator. But he had a number of problems, and he was going to use ...

Modern Life Promotes Conspiracy Thinking

Buffalo Springfield’s iconic 1960s song, For What It’s Worth, certainly resonates today. Fears of stolen elections, vigilantes arming for a race war, apocalyptic global warming, and intrusions from the surveillance state permeate the country. It might just be a collective fit of piq...

The Medellan Conspiracy: Rescue (A Queer Sci-Fi Thriller)

Everyone was tense as they searched for the one lone life sign, with the vague hope that maybe the scanner was wrong and that there were more survivors. Jevan and Ardyn spent most of their time helping to keep the searchers’ spirits up, making sure they got water and breaks as needed. As th...


The novel begins with the introduction of Jonathan Margolis to Dr. Carmichael after he throws a fit at a pool on a class field trip and is taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where he encounters Dr. Eldin Carmichael. Dr. Carmichael discovers through the drawings that Jonathan has brought wit...

Why Do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

I used to think of Conspiracy Theories as ‘Gossip for Men’. Women gossip all of the time, sometimes it’s real sometimes it’s all nonsense. Men like to talk deep about big issues. But I have changed my mind. Men and women love a conspiracy theory equally. But we lean towards d...