Why Do People Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

<p>I used to think of Conspiracy Theories as &lsquo;Gossip for Men&rsquo;. Women gossip all of the time, sometimes it&rsquo;s real sometimes it&rsquo;s all nonsense. Men like to talk deep about big issues. But I have changed my mind. Men and women love a conspiracy theory equally. But we lean towards different areas of conspiracy.</p> <p>A Conspiracy is defined as: &lsquo;A secret plan or plot to do something unlawful or harmful.&rsquo;</p> <p>A Conspiracy Theorist is someone who believes that there are secret groups or individuals at work to control, coerce or manipulate the course of events.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@unveiling9/why-do-people-believe-in-conspiracy-theories-d393ab59b474"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>