Tag: Conservations

5 Books That Transformed How I Think About Wildlife Conservation

Isort of fell into wildlife conservation as a topic of research during my Ph.D. As a linguist by training, my main focus for much of my graduate life had been on how people “construct”— tell stories about––their cultural and social worlds through the use of language. ...

Video Games for Conservation

Wouldn’t it be nice to reconcile what’s enjoyable and what’s important? Hobbies versus careers, sitting on the sofa versus exercising, gorging on hobnobs versus actually being healthy. What about video games versus saving wildlife, or solving the climate crisis? Short of some mi...

A Bear is not just a Bear: Recognizing the Individual in Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife, the word itself, implies a collective. Indeed, as some would argue, wild animals are worth saving only as a collective. Consequently, as long as a population thrives or even persists, individual sentient beings don’t matter. It is one of the conservation dogmas that the ...