Tag: Conjunct

Pluto Conjunct Natal Sun Transit: Impact on Houses

When Pluto conjuncts the Natal Sun in an astrological transit, it signifies a profound and transformative period in one’s life. This powerful alignment between Pluto and the Sun can have a range of effects on an individual, often bringing significant changes and personal growth. Here are some ...

Pluto conjunct Natal South Node Transit: Impact on Houses

When Pluto conjuncts the Natal South Node in an astrological transit, it signifies a period of intense transformation, karmic reckoning, and the need to release old patterns, habits, and unresolved issues from the past. The South Node represents past life experiences and patterns that you carry into...

Pluto conjunct Natal Saturn Transit: Impact on Houses

When Pluto conjuncts Natal Saturn in an astrological transit, it signifies a period of profound transformation, challenges, and potentially significant changes in your life, especially in areas related to responsibility, structure, authority, and long-term goals. Pluto represents deep transformation...