Pluto Conjunct Natal Sun Transit: Impact on Houses

<p>When Pluto conjuncts the Natal Sun in an astrological transit, it signifies a profound and transformative period in one&rsquo;s life. This powerful alignment between Pluto and the Sun can have a range of effects on an individual, often bringing significant changes and personal growth. Here are some general characteristics and potential effects of Pluto conjunct Natal Sun Transit:</p> <p>Intense Transformation: Pluto is associated with deep, irreversible changes, and when it conjoins the Sun, it often brings intense and sometimes challenging transformations to the person&rsquo;s identity and life path.</p> <p>Rebirth and Renewal: This transit can symbolize a period of rebirth and renewal. Old aspects of the self may be shed, making way for a more authentic and empowered version of the individual.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pluto Conjunct