Tag: commuting

Things I’ve learned from a year of commuting in Bangkok

I recently started a new job as a data scientist at a real estate company, marking the end of my time as an urban planner — the first job I had after graduating from college. On my last day of work, feeling exhausted, I decided to take a taxi home. Unfortunately, I got stuck in heavy traffic. ...

095/731–21 Nov 2023 ) Commuting wisely

As mentioned in previous stories, the city of London is divided into zones. The city centre is Zone 1 and the farther from the city is, the bigger the zone number is. The fare of moving within a zone is the cheapest and the longer distances we take tubes, the more expensive the fare is. My house ...

Self-Driving Cars — The New Normal of Commuting

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like when self-driving cars become common on the streets of your city? Here is the story of Ashish. He was skeptical about getting into self-driving cars, but he was also eager to find a solution to his anger issues and road rage while driving. Ashis...