095/731–21 Nov 2023 ) Commuting wisely

<p>As mentioned in previous stories, the city of London is divided into zones. The city centre is Zone 1 and the farther from the city is, the bigger the zone number is. The fare of moving within a zone is the cheapest and the longer distances we take tubes, the more expensive the fare is.</p> <p>My house is in Zone 4 and the workplace is in Zone 3. My fare seems cheap but it isn&rsquo;t. Because I have to take tubes through Zone 1. If I go to Zone 3 through Zone 1, I have to across 6 zones, so it is expensive.</p> <p><a href="https://aknikn.medium.com/095-731-21-nov-2023-commuting-wisely-81092487f7e7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>