Tag: Climbing

1,000 Steps of Climbing at Twin Peaks

The trail is hailed as the demanding hikes around the Island as it encompasses over 400 metres of elevation and calculated to be one thousand steps of climbing (yea, that’s right — 1,000). It’s a popular route for both elite trail runners and tourists because of the overlooking oas...

Create a climbing culture in your city!

It’s 6:30am, sunrise, the morning is crisp. I’m out on the streets bright and energized, in a new city, on a new adventure, full of excitement. As I hop off the tram a few hundred metres from my destination I am guided gently down the street by a cool Spring breeze. I zig zag throu...

What is the Best Pre-workout French Pastry for Optimal Climbing Performance?

If you walk into any given rock gym in France, do not be surprised to see people devouring their preferred French pastry before they begin their long training or climbing session. I can tell you that during my time in France, I have had the luxury of seeing some incredible climbing performances afte...

Mountain Climbing In A Wheelchair And The Power Of Community

Rolling through this incredible journey of life on wheels, I’ve often found myself immersed in moments of struggles and triumphs. My wheelchair has brought with it not only challenges but also countless heartfelt moments, all thanks to the power of my loving support networks. I can still re...

Baron Julius Evola’s Manifesto on Spiritual Mountain Climbing

I grew up in the Rockies, and the mountains are my most cherished connection to spirituality. So, when I learned of Julius Evola’s manifesto on spiritual mountain climbing, Meditations on the Peaks, naturally I had to read it. It’s a beautiful work about the possibility of spiritual...