What is the Best Pre-workout French Pastry for Optimal Climbing Performance?

<p>If you walk into any given rock gym in France, do not be surprised to see people devouring their preferred French pastry before they begin their long training or climbing session. I can tell you that during my time in France, I have had the luxury of seeing some incredible climbing performances after witnessing people devour an absurd amount of French viennoiseries before training. For example, I have witnessed climbers takedown pastries like the heavy-duty Brioche Suisse, which is a brioche dough or croissant dough rolled out and then folded around vanilla pastry cream and chocolate chips. I&rsquo;ve seen others choose the Caussons au Pomme, which is a flakey crust pastry that is filled with fresh apple compote. Anything with apples in it is healthy, am I right?! You also have the classic climber.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://victorbaudrand.medium.com/what-is-the-best-pre-workout-french-pastry-for-optimal-climbing-performance-59ac13a9e83e"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>