Tag: Client

How to build a website builder

A website for building websites. Sounds easy, right? It sure is if scoped right and if you have a great guide to break it down for you. Luckily, you’re reading a guide to build just that written by someone who built a website builder from scratch. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll b...

How to Run Your First Design Meeting with a Client

The first client meeting can be intimidating, especially for beginners. I still get nervous before one, even with practice and preparation. My design projects are typically web or mobile applications, but you can interchange them with whatever project you work on. Some people have clients right f...

Creating a Nostr Client in Typescript

In my free time I create generative art in p5js, my current workflow (and a lot of p5js artists) is Write some code to create a piece Export the canvas as a jpg Upload the image to Instagram In theory, this works quite well as it’s easy to reach an audience, although it&rsqu...

The making of Ice Cubes, an open source, SwiftUI Mastodon client.

1. Mastodon Wether your believe in Mastodon or not is not the goal of this article, I won’t even spend time explaining what Mastodon is, or compare it to Twitter. But I can tell you one thing: I’m on it, and it’s here to stay. You can also join me on mastodon.soci...

SeaweedFS Containerized Cluster Deployment with Fuse Mount Client

SeaweedFS is a distributed storage system for blobs, objects, and files with predictable low latency with O(1) disk seek (Single disk read operation required to read the requested data from the storage). I’ve covered the basics of Seaweedfs in my previous article, so here I’ll go...

“What if I know that my client is guilty?”

What if a lawyer knows that their own client is guilty of the offence(s) for which they have been charged? This is a question that lawyers are often asked, although perhaps surprisingly not often by criminal clients. In short, the answer depends on whether a lawyer’s knowledge or belief of ...

Practice Law Firm: The Evolution with Client Intake

Traditionally, law firms relied on manual methods for client intake. Attorneys and staff would gather necessary information through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, or paper forms. Although this approach was effective to a certain extent, it was time-consuming and prone to human error. Further...