Tag: Classroom

AI Is Coming to My Classroom. I Have No Idea What to Do.

As a teacher who assigns a lot of writing, I haven’t been all that troubled by the rise of AI thus far. My assignments are specific enough to my class that the AIs don’t do a very good job with them, and I don’t think most of my students (who are pretty motivated) will settle fo...

From Hope to the Classroom

In a world where disheartening news often prevails, stories like that of Mamadou Safayou Barry stand as a beacon of hope and perseverance. This 25-year-old embarked on a 4,000-kilometer bicycle journey, crossing territories marked by war and conflict, with a dream: to enter Al-Azhar Univer...

Language Discrimination Inside the Classroom

As a foreigner learning the Spanish language, I have had my own experiences with linguistic discrimination, from seemingly innocent remarks, to downright discriminating other varieties of a certain language, by deeming them “vulgar” or “of bad taste”. With this said, the inte...

Resources for an Anti-Racist Music Classroom

While many may think that their work is done after eliminating some problematic folk songs, or incorporating a unit of composers from underrepresented groups in classical music, there is no temporary quick fix that will do justice to decolonizing the classroom. To act in allyship, it’s impo...

“He called me dirty!” Anti-Racist Teaching in the Elementary Classroom

As so happens in the heat of teaching, I was caught off guard and found myself hopeful that this incident was about something other than race. I scanned Paul’s body for signs of “dirty” — maybe the boys had been digging in the mud? My veteran teacher-of-color self quickly cau...

Should we teach pragmatic competence in the language classroom?

The next time you are out and about, just take a second to stop and observe the people around you. What do you see? Depending on where you are, you might see commuters, station attendants, security personnel, or people relaxing on their day off. Regardless of what it is, you might notice one thing t...

Navigating ESOL Classroom Challenges: Understanding and Responding to Language Differences

This article explores the complexities of teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and the significance of recognizing and understanding language diversity and cultural variations in the classroom. It emphasizes the importance of fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environme...