Tag: Choices

Five Dollars and Infinite Choices: The Flavors That Shaped My Life

August Daily Prompt Challenge #28, as suggested by  NancyO : Every food on the planet costs $1.00. You have $5.00 in your pocket. What do you buy? There’s something unmistakably nostalgic about opening your wallet and finding just a five-dollar bill in it. Not in the broke, &ldq...

Hard work vs Smart work or working Hard now for Smart choices later.

Let’s keep it concise. I often come across videos on social platforms where successful individuals discuss the significance of hard work, while others advocate for working smart instead. Now, the question arises: Whom should you listen to? First, let’s define what hard and smart work mea...

Weekly Overview of the Bundle For Ukraine 22: Childlike Innocence and Infinite Choices

We seem to be smoothing out some of the trends here, and making things a bit more obvious as we do. This page was a bit lighter on the games, with a 12/18 split — relatively common split actually — but we’re again seeing a lack of duplicates. This shouldn’t be surprising, wit...

Basic Training: An LGBTQ+ Story about Love & Choices

It hadn’t been sudden or unexpected. It hadn’t been a surprise. Despite that, Adrianne found herself looking for her girlfriend Samantha at the grocery store or in the line at the ATM. As she drove past a bus stop, the teen waiting there turned her head, and Adrianne almost stopped the c...

Making Informed Choices!

In our daily lives, decision-making is an integral part of navigating the world around us. Behind the scenes, probability quietly influences these decisions, providing a framework for assessing uncertainties and weighing potential outcomes. This article aims to explore real-life examples where the p...