Weekly Overview of the Bundle For Ukraine 22: Childlike Innocence and Infinite Choices

<p>We seem to be smoothing out some of the trends here, and making things a bit more obvious as we do. This page was a bit lighter on the games, with a 12/18 split &mdash; relatively common split actually &mdash; but we&rsquo;re again seeing a lack of duplicates. This shouldn&rsquo;t be surprising, with how page 21 had a &lsquo;technical&rsquo; duplicate involved, but I would be lying if I didn&rsquo;t think that there wouldn&rsquo;t be more. The Racial Justice and Equality bundle is still the largest to date, so I can be forgiven for assuming that we would have a strong duplicate presence regardless of how deep we go.</p> <p>I would like to mention that as the bundle goes farther, entries per game will more than likely get shorter, especially as duplicates appear to disappear. Keeping a weekly schedule is hard when there are 15+ games in a week, and the last thing I want to do is not give a game a fair shake so I cut down on the text each entry gets. Of course this won&rsquo;t always be consistent, as you may have noticed some weeks I decided to go all out and describe everything. It&rsquo;ll continue to be touch and go as we make our way to the end of the year.</p> <p>Nevertheless, we&rsquo;re here to look at a bunch of games that I cannot really find a singular theme for, so let&rsquo;s dive in!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/theuglymonster/wobfu-22-childlike-innocence-and-infinite-choices-7ff3952b2eaf"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>