Tag: choice

Dream (say the # of your choice)

If someone is keeping score, I don’t care. We have assembled here around a body of water with one dead woman somewhere in that water. There are labels, ‘The Dead Woman’, every few water inches that obscure more than they reveal as I disappear when I leap in. Bunches of ...

How Idealization Affects Clarity & Choice of Partner

Humans are hardwired for connection. Yet, in the last decade, it has become more and more common to hear that someone got “discarded”, or “ghosted” or is being “breadcrumbed’ and strung along in what they hoped was a legitimate connection. It’s just as ...

Diablo IV’s Cramped Camera Zoom is A Terrible Design Choice

Isometric action RPGs often use fully fixed camera perspectives, a design element dating all the way back to Diablo and other classic isometric games. The fixed perspective gives the development team exact parameters to craft every other piece of the game around. When you know what area th...

The Hapless Third Party Choice

Dissatisfaction with our politics is rampant, as we know. Not only don’t we like the people, their ages and leanings, or their policies, we don’t like the divisions they promote. We allow polls to ask whether “the country is headed in the wrong direction” when that questio...

The Fight Over Ranked-Choice Voting in New York City

The largest ranked-ballot rollout ever will occur on June 22, when New York City’s registered Democrats use ranked-choice voting (RCV) in their nominating primaries. (Note: early voting has been underway since June 12, and some special elections already have been RCV.) Eyes are on th...

How "School Choice" Became a Racist Smoke Screen For White Flight

"School choice" may sound as harmless as a white winter hare to some and possibly empowering to others, but there's actually something much more sinister at play — anti-black racism. The underlying premise behind the national movement to provide vouchers for some studen...

Book The Paradox of Choice

In “The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less,” Barry Schwartz talks about the complicated truth that having too many choices can make people less happy and satisfied. This blog post goes into detail about the main ideas and themes of the book. It gives a thorough look at how having too ma...

Best app to learn English: Finding the Perfect Learning App | Our editor’s choice

The English App You Need. Read our explanations and decide on your own. So, you’ve got the basics of English down, and you’re feeling pretty good about it. But now what? You’re eager to take the next step, move beyond the beginner stuff, and really dive deep ...