Tag: Chest

Goodbye Breast, Hello Half-Flat Chest

I’d felt the lump for a few months but I wasn’t in the habit of rubbing my boobs so when I noticed it in the shower I’d think, Hmmm, is this a lump? Is this different than my other breast? Does it feel the same as the last time I noticed it? Feel it, forget about it. ...

Using animations to make a simple chest system (Godot 4/C#)

Wanna learn how to create simple animations in Godot 4, and how to embed powerful method calls in them to trigger some C# logic at a specific moment in the timeline? Well, in this tutorial, we’re going to see how to implement a little chest system where players can open the chest, and then ...

How To Fix Bad Chest Genetics To build a Perfect Body And Tips To Know

Finding success in the gym can be a difficult task in and of itself. When you add in bad chest genetics, on the other hand, it’s almost as if the deck is stacked against you. Everyone’s life is significantly impacted by genetics in some way. Everyone would be the same if it weren’t...