Tag: Chains

Chains to Freedom: the Australian Convict Transportation System

The practice of transporting convicts from Britain to Australia began in the late 18th century — a consequence of the legal and social conditions in Britain at the time. Overpopulated prisons and inadequate facilities led to the desperate need for alternative solutions for housing convicts....

Break Your Chains: The Liberating Power of Defying Conventional Wisdom

Once in a while, we encounter ourselves imprisoned by the stout chains of conventional wisdom, the societal norms we’ve grown to accept as unchallengeable laws. However, on choosing to confront this wisdom, to shatter these shackling chains, an exhilarating force of liberation awaits. Let&rsqu...

Visualizing the changing distribution of Vancouver’s coffee chains

If you were to have visited Downtown Vancouver about five years ago, one thing you’d likely have observed was the sheer density of Starbucks stores. Indeed, so synonymous was Starbucks with Vancouver at the time that the reddit.com/r/vancouver community carried the slogan &ldquo...

A poem: Breaking Free from the Chains of Retirement

In the twilight of our years, we find our way, A journey, not an end, in the light of day. No need for retirement, that outdated decree, For we’re not passe, we’re still alive and free. At sixty and beyond, a new chapter to unfold, A chance to find purpose, in the stories yet unto...

Breaking Chains

Amid the bustling cityscape of Metropolitan Haven, where towering skyscrapers mirrored the complexities of urban life, Maya, a young black woman with aspirations as vast as the city skyline, found herself entangled in a daunting web of adversity. Within the confines of her workplace, her boss, a man...

Understanding Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management oversees materials, information, and finances as they move from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer and finally to the consumer. This complex process includes coordination and integration of these flows both within and among companies. The ultimate goal is ensu...

The Benefits of Regionalization in Supply Chains

Introduction: Understanding Regionalization Regionalization in supply chains refers to the process of shifting from a purely global supply chain model to one that emphasizes regional or local production and sourcing. This approach involves producing and sourcing goods closer to the markets they s...

The Future of Supply Chains: Innovations and Trends Driven by Multi-Enterprise Collaboration Networks

In today’s interconnected and rapidly evolving global economy, supply chains have become the lifeblood of businesses, orchestrating the complex flow of goods, services, and information across the world. As technology continues to reshape industries, supply chains are undergoing a profound tran...

Embracing Sustainability: Transforming Today’s Supply Chains for Tomorrow

The concept of a green supply chain goes beyond mere environmental compliance. It’s about integrating eco-friendly practices throughout the lifecycle of a product — from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing, distribution, and eventual disposal or recycling. This shift is driven by a c...

A primer on smart logistics and supply chain management

Smart logistics and supply chain management are increasingly important for businesses to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced, global economy. The supply chain crisis of 2021 has brought forth a few lessons and accelerated the innovation rate. By using technology and data-driven insights, co...

Breaking the Chains of Hate

Frankie Meeink is a former member of a white supremacist skinhead gang. By the age of seventeen years old, Frankie was already deeply embedded in the chaotic and often violent neo-nazi lifestyle. In my interview with Frankie, he opened up about his extremist past and transformative experience in whi...

Hands on Markov Chains example, using Python

When I started studying Physics, I didn’t like the concept of probability. I was so pumped by the idea that with Physics you can model the entire world that the idea of uncertainty made me furious :) The truth is that when we want to study real phenomena we must, sooner or later, deal ...

What are Markov Chains and Steady-State Probabilities

In addition to proving the central limit theorem, Andrey Andreyevich Markov played a pivotal role in developing Markov chains. Markov chains are used to model discrete-time, discrete space random processes with applications across multiple domains including Finance, Advertising, NLP, SEO, ...

Markov Chains; what exactly are they?

Markov chains, a powerful tool in probability, yet a hated course at university. As arguably one of the most controversial areas in probability, in this post we look into the journey of Markov chains. Any part marked with (**) should be attempted by the reader. This is best illustrated ...

How many coin tosses to get X Heads in a row? — Quantitative Problems on Markov Chains

Let E[n] = Number of tosses needed to get n Heads in a row. Let’s say we have n-1 consecutive heads so far, and are at State n-1. If we do 1 more toss, We reach State n with probability p. This is the terminal state, no more tosses needed. Contrib...

Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Made Simple Once and For All

A Monte Carlo method or simulation is a type of computational algorithm that consists of using sampling numbers repeatedly to obtain numerical results in the form of the likelihood of a range of results of occurring. In other words, a Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate or approximate the ...

Breaking the Chains of Inequity: Empowering Indigenous Youth Through Understanding and Action

My transition from the Philippines to Canada has provided me with a distinctive vantage point, entwining my immigrant journey with the challenges Indigenous youth confront in both nations. While I recognize the uniqueness of my personal path, my dedication lies in illuminating the critical importanc...