A poem: Breaking Free from the Chains of Retirement

<p>In the twilight of our years, we find our way,<br /> A journey, not an end, in the light of day.<br /> No need for retirement, that outdated decree,<br /> For we&rsquo;re not passe, we&rsquo;re still alive and free.</p> <p>At sixty and beyond, a new chapter to unfold,<br /> A chance to find purpose, in the stories yet untold.<br /> From tending garden rows, to market stands so bright,<br /> Or sheltering the homeless through the darkest night.</p> <p>Retirement may whisper, &ldquo;You&rsquo;re no longer needed,&rdquo;<br /> But in our hearts, a different truth is seeded.<br /> We&rsquo;re not cast aside, we still have much to give,<br /> A reason to wake up each day and truly live.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@tzetter_4712/a-poem-breaking-free-from-the-chains-of-retirement-5f28be053b80"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>