Tag: certain

People with a high Circle of Effect are seen as certain effects

What Is Motivation, Really? You presumably have some familiarity with people who have been doing in like manner for quite a while and appear to not have any issue staying lifeless. Whether it be in their marriage, work, or individual endeavors, they seem, by all accounts, to be getting along okay w...

First Things.

The days reveal a certain rhythm living in a big city, certain systems are always at work and one of the first things you notice about Mexico City, is that these systems run on a vast quantity of good old fashioned human beings. Visitors are typically struck by the sounds of this town, tamale vendor...

How Far Would You Go to Avoid Certain Torture and Execution?

Taiwan has been prominent in the news lately due to national elections and how election results may have increased the threat of war from China. What the press has not talked about, but what is important to know, is that the people of Taiwan have suffered greatly in their recent history. The story o...

Why We Can't Get Over Certain Experiences

I was coming off the high of organizing and hosting an extraordinary event. Imagine a beautiful event center with a ballroom, meeting room, and rotunda with floor-to-ceiling windows looking out on a garden and a lake. We hosted over 130 educators for a professional learning event. There were n...

Girl! Keep Moving!

Crazy, right? How does Mama Wintar leave Wintar? What kind of mother abandons her child? When I was younger, my mum used to tell me this story. In a certain land, there were two women and there was a famine. One had a son while the other had about 9 children. The woman with the son would go in se...