Tag: Cash

Understanding Zero-Knowledge Proofs Through the Source Code of Tornado Cash

Based on Wikipedia, the definition of the Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP) is the following: … zero-knowledge proof or zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that a given statement is true while the prover avoids conve...

What Is Bitcoin Cash And Why It Matters?

A video I created and uploaded on my YouTube channel aiming to explain what Bitcoin Cash is, if anyone is still wondering. Follow me on YouTube, and turn notifications on if you liked this one, as I plan more video content. Bitcoin Cash is a decentralized, permissionless, borderless, censo...

How Banks Are About to Control Your Access To Cash & Credit

Have you ever boycotted a product because you didn’t like the company’s ethics? The first mass boycott I recall when I became a socially conscious teenager was the boycott of canned tuna in the late 1980s. This was because dolphins were getting caught in the tuna nets. But… ...

Zofi Cash CEO Paul Kirungi Revels in the Lisbon Web Summit Sojourn.

As one of the first Ugandan startups to be represented at the Web Summit in Lisbon, Zofi Cash’s CEO, Paul Kirungi, embarked on a transformative journey that exceeded his expectations and left an indelible mark on his entrepreneurial spirit. Upon his arrival in Lisbon, Kirungi was immediatel...

How to Make a Splash…Without Splashing Cash

This post was originally written for investors of the ArkHAUS crowdfunding campaign. To learn more, visit the campaign page here. As previously detailed, ArkHAUS is currently raising a total of $1.5mm across a dual & concurrent investment raise. The $1.5mm target is derived from a d...

Bitcoin Cash adoption in Taiwan

Bitcoin Cash was created from the Bitcoin network at block height of 478,559, introducing a new currency with a distinct block size. BCH raised the block size limit to 8 megabytes (MB), enabling more transactions in each block. This larger block size was intended to enhance transaction speed and aff...

Why Toronto should transition to a new ‘cash allocation basis’ of accounting for budgets

For an example of the application of the ‘cash allocation basis’, see the companion article Example: The City of Toronto 2023 budget using the ‘cash allocation basis’ of budget accounting. The new ‘cash allocation basis’ of budget accounting would allocate...

Draft: Why Toronto should transition to a new ‘cash allocation basis’ of accounting for budgets

Toronto’s published 2022 budget was ~$15.2B (from open data listing — formal presentation was $15B), with equal revenues and expenditures balancing to $0 (zero). I’ve seen senior reporters and civil society members report to the public and their constituents that this bud...

When Does It Pay To Cash Out Your 401(k)

If you contributed to a deferred account, you did not pay taxes on that money. Once you withdrawal it you will be required to pay taxes on it, plus any earnings and vested matching. Depending on your federal and state brackets that can be a large portion. Not all the money stored in a Roth versio...

Is ‘Cash Is Trash’ Good Advice for You to Follow?

This phrase was made famous by legendary investor Ray Dalio. It’s been adopted by personal finance bloggers to encourage people to invest. The basic premise of “cash is trash” is that if you keep cash in a savings account, you will slowly go broke because inflation will eat away...

Cash is (Almost) Dead

Imust admit that I am a strategic management consultant and professor “of a certain age.” As such, I have to guard against falling into what might be academically called “old fart stories” and telling students/clients about the way things used to be — which, of course, ...

How to Earn Free PayPal Cash Codes in 2024

If you’ve been looking for legitimate ways to earn some extra money online, keep reading. In this post, I’ll show you step-by-step how to earn free PayPal cash codes that you can redeem for cold hard cash. And no, this isn’t some sketchy “get rich quick” scheme. The ...

How long does it take to make money online?

I must have typed the question into Google a thousand times. Who doesn’t want to be able to make money online? I have a great job. It pays well and I love it. So, why should I be in a hurry to get that online cash? It is probably just a human thing. As a family, we recently started a YouTub...

6-Figure Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing

What level of passive cash flow do you need for retirement? The goal I have set is to retire with annual passive income from real estate investing that covers my annual living expenses. It’s not only about retirement though. During my journey, it also became about achieving financial fre...

What Are the Best Cash Flow Investments in 2022?

“Do not put all your eggs in one basket.” There’s so much wisdom in that statement, especially when it comes to personal finance. Finance experts and advisors recommend that folks look for other income-generating assets on top of their main source of income to help them achieve ...

6-Figure Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing

What level of passive cash flow do you need for retirement? The goal I have set is to retire with annual passive income from real estate investing that covers my annual living expenses. It’s not only about retirement though. During my journey, it also became about achieving financial fre...

Cash for Love: My Unsettling Experience on Grindr as a Gay Asian Man

It was a Tuesday evening, and like any modern-day professional, I found myself mindlessly scrolling through Grindr, seeking some sort of connection in a sea of headless torsos and one-liners. But this time, I received a message that was a little different from the usual “Hey, what’s up?&...

Life as a Cash Cow, Why Plasma Companies are Vampires

Life is expensive. Starting a business is expensive. When you’re already in loads of debt, taking out a business loan doesn’t make sense. As I’ve been jumping through the hoops to start my own clinic, there have been many costs that I hadn’t predicted. To make ends meet wh...