Tag: Carthage

Rome and Carthage

Yesterday I wrote about Athens and Sparta, last night and part of this early morning I thought better of the two extremes, we are not in a contest between Athens and Sparta. Looking at the classical period I am left thinking about Rome and Carthage. I think we are both, Carthage was founded as a col...

More on Carthage and Rome

Ancient Rome had the games to keep down insurrections, do we do the same? I would say yes, we do too have savage amusements, football, wrestling, rugby, and other contact sports. I am not saying do away with them but to the level that we put them on pedestals and glorify them. The Super Bowl was abo...

Carthage vs. Rome: How Carthage’s Triumph Could Have Reshaped Our World

Beneath a relentless sun, the once-great city of Carthage lay sprawled across North Africa’s arid plains. Here, history’s course shifted, rewritten by a legacy that might have been. Picture a world reshaped, not by Rome’s triumphs, but by a Carthaginian victory in the Punic Wars. S...