More on Carthage and Rome

<p>Ancient Rome had the games to keep down insurrections, do we do the same? I would say yes, we do too have savage amusements, football, wrestling, rugby, and other contact sports. I am not saying do away with them but to the level that we put them on pedestals and glorify them. The Super Bowl was about the match but it has become a source of entertainment, anyone watches the football alone, and there is the halftime show. I hear comments decrying the performer for grabbing her crotch and giving a double middle finger. Did we expect anything else? A blown kiss to her fans, who it is alleged she cares little. They are buying her music by the score, she can afford to give them the proverbial EFF YOU sign at the end of her performance. We are still talking about it, so you see it worked. We will talk about it for weeks. The game from all accounts was a good game neither side was over the top with a victory. It was a close game. Being close means it was exciting to someone. I did not have more than 5 minutes of the spectacle. The last Super Bowl I watched from beginning to end was maybe in 2001 or 2002. I do not remember and I do not watch sports frequently. I would instead read or do what I did yesterday I backed up my music and relaxed. Today we had off, the roads were bad with ice and snow. Winter still has not released us. I think I lost all interest in sports, I do not mind watching high school but everything else just does not interest me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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