Tag: Carla

A dip into Carla II: Control your Car and your world !

While you were driving, if you looked carefully in to the terminal or the pygame window, you could see that there were many options to play with, like the Weather, Manual/Autopilot mode, Sensors and of course, change the ego-vehicle itself. To utilize the full capacity of Ca...

Longitudinal & Lateral Control for Autonomous Vehicles — CARLA Simulator

Lane keeping assistance (LKA) systems monitor the position of the vehicle with respect to the lane boundary and apply torque to the steering wheel, or pressure to the brakes, when a lane departure is about to occur. The LKA system keeps the ego car travelling along the centerline of the lanes on ...

Install Carla-ROS Bridge in Ubuntu 18.04

ROS stands for Robotic Operating System and it may be defined as a framework for the development of robotic applications using a publish/subscribe communication paradigm. At its core it consists of a number of nodes communicating with each other through specific communication channels, known as...

Celebrating: Carla Almeida, Design Director in Brand Union in Hong Kong.

How would you introduce yourself in five words? A maker with a deep curiosity of the world and the people that live on it. What do you prefer to do when it comes to design? I enjoy having time to do a lot of research and experimentation. The ite...